Starwatcher в 2-Ри Корпусе

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  • ➡️ Доставката се поема от: купувача, продавача, лично предаване
  • ➡️ Състояние: използвано
Чудесно работещо Японско дигитално пиано, пълен набор 88 клавиша, различни саунди, ефекти, възможности, настройки. По-надолу е пълното описание от производителя. Накратко- динамични клавиши, чиято реактивност може да се настройва. Различни инструменти. Възможност за запис, комуникация с други устройства, изходи за слушалки за двама, миди, USB, ефекти и пр. и пр. Самият корпус е резонансен и пресъздава доста плътно и брилянтно звуците на истинско пиано, дори на роял, орган, стрингсове, клавесин, ел. пиано и пр.
Има си захранващ адаптер 16 волта мощен, 4 A
Цената е силно занижена с цел да се вземе и върши работа на колега, а не да стои безмълвно ;)
Допълнително може да се добавят
- състейн педал, ръчно правен - 19 лв
Моля без смехотворни коментари на цената, неграмотни и полу-латински "оферти".
От друга страна, на качествени колеги ще отвърна с уважение и желание за обсъждане.
Вземане на място в Шумен(с отстъпка 30 лв), може да се докара до СИ България. По куриер - само с предварително договаряне.

Sleek and stylish portable piano with an authentic piano feel and 4-level AWM Dynamic Stereo Sampling for a superb piano sound.

Pure CF Sampling with 4-level Advanced Wave Memory (AWM) Dynamic Stereo Sampling
Key-Off samples, Stereo Sustain samples and Damper Resonance
128-note polyphony (max.)
Graded Hammer (GH) keyboard
USB connectivity for storing and playing music
Sleek and Stylish design
Pure CF Sampling for superb tonality
Yamaha technicians selected a CFIIIS full concert grand with the highest sound quality, and tuned it to the finest possible condition. They then used our unique Pure CF Sampling technique to sample all of its sounds, in order to create the sound on this instrument. As a result, you enjoy the same natural tonal response as a top-quality piano.

4-level Advanced Wave Memory (AWM) Dynamic Stereo Sampling
The AWM (Advanced Wave Memory) is a sampling system which creates sound close to that of an acoustic instrument by using digital technology to record the instrument sound and applying high-quality digital filter technology to the recorded audio samples. The waveform of the sound created by playing the key of an acoustic piano differs depending on the playing strength from pianissimo to fortissimo. The AWM Dynamic Stereo Sampling system records samples of various playing strengths. The player's touch is then analysed and the appropriate sample used in order to produce such dynamic nuances. The greater the number of samples used, the higher the expressive quality and potential becomes.

Key-Off samples, Stereo Sustain samples and Damper Resonance
If you close your eyes while playing a grand piano, you'll find its sound is a bit more complicated than "note-on-note-off." Yamaha has gone to great lengths to capture these sonic artifacts in the P-155. These meticulous efforts include recording a felt damper coming to rest on a vibrating string when a note is released (Key Off Samples), or reproducing the sound of the open strings that wash over your performance when using the damper pedal (Stereo Sustain Samples and Damper Resonance).

128-note polyphony (max.)
Conventional digital pianos quickly run out of notes during fast, dense legato passages: sustained notes are cut off as the instrument "steals" notes to make room for new notes. A maximum of up to 128-notes can be played at once.

Graded Hammer (GH) keyboard
Just as on an actual grand piano, the lower keys are heavy in touch and the higher keys are light, with all the natural gradations in between.

USB Direct Play
Simply connect a USB flash memory device to the instrument, and your favorite songs in MIDI format are ready to be played in random or sequence.

The USB TO DEVICE terminal allows you to connect USB memory devices such as flash drives or hard drives. It lets you save or load registrations and user songs created on the instrument, as well as read data from the connected device such as MIDI files.

Built-in Stereo Speaker System
This instrument uses highly efficient amplifiers that pack more sound into a lighter digital piano. With 12 watts per channel, these keyboards are ready to go whenever you are.

50 Preset Piano Songs
A selection of 50 different piano songs is provided for your listening pleasure. These recordings were chosen for their beauty as well as their functionality. Since many of the songs are classic piano pieces, anyone taking lessons can listen to them for reference.
🏷 лв.525
📍 Регион: 2-ри корпус
💁‍♂️ Starwatcher
⏱ Време за публикуване : 29.01.2024

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